Form a Campus Chapter


The following requirements are also outlined in Section IX of the NCGP's Bylaws.

Any group of North Carolina residents, including students, faculty, and staff, on a high school, college, or university campus in the state may form a campus-wide affiliate of the North Carolina Green Party (NCGP). To do this, the group must

1) consist of at least five NCGP members,
2) commit to support and uphold the Green Party's Ten Key Values,
3) elect officers,
4) hold at least two publicly announced meetings in a six-month period, and
5) establish bylaws that define membership, campus, principles of governance, and its decision-making process—and the chapter's bylaws must be in compliance with the NCGP's own bylaws.

Documentation of the attainment of these requirements should be sent to the NCGP's Coordinating Committee's secretary as an application to become an affiliated local chapter of the state party. See the Affiliation with the NCGP section below. All members of a campus chapter must be members of the NCGP.

Best Practices and Guidance for Forming a Campus Chapter

We have a Local Growth Chair who can guide your group through the process of becoming an affiliated campus chapter of the NCGP. Get in touch at [email protected].

Read these informational guides from the Green Party of the United States (GPUS), from our state party, and from our Triangle chapter:

1) NCGP Platform
2) GPUS Platform
3) NCGP Bylaws
4) Triangle Green Party Bylaws
5) GPUS Organizing Tools
6) GPUS Process Manual—for holding meetings and decision-making

Affiliation with the NCGP

Once your group has met all the Requirements listed above, it should be ready to take the big step of seeking official affiliation with the NCGP. If your organization is ready, please fill out our online NCGP Affiliation Form and submit it to us. New and revived affiliates receive seed money for growth from the NCGP.


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